D is for Dog

My attempt at continuing the A to Z challenge after starting it a couple days late:

This is such an easy topic!  Just like C should have been an easy topic.  Corgi, chew toys, Corgi, corgi, corgi.  But what to write about for “dog”?  I’m going to go all 5th grade English class prompt and say “Why I love my dog.”

Why I love my dog:

My dog, Gwen, is a riot of fun.  A big dog in a small dog body — well more medium size really.  She keeps me company when my husband is gone, she gives me a purpose having to care for something, and for the most part she is a sweetie.  The other part of the time she is pure devi but boy is she smart.  Gwen definitely keeps us on our toes trying to stay one step ahead of her.

I like having an animal in the house.  It’s a warm body to keep me from getting lonely and also like having my own personal security alarm.  I mean corgis bark when a leaf falls outside!  I’d like to think she’d attack someone if they broke in or tried to do me harm — she does bark when people hug and doesn’t like it when people play or ignore her.  Very opinionated little brat!

Since getting Gwen as a puppy we’ve had to do the whole housebreaking, crate training, and obedience stuff, but it was a fun project training a pup!  I’d had an older puppy (a lab) before and that was way different than getting an 8 week old puppy.  Gwen has been an enjoyable little project and very rewarding to watch her grow into such a nice little dog.

6 thoughts on “D is for Dog

  1. It’s always nice to see (or in this case read about) the love between owner and dog. Dogs are the greatest pets and they certainly become a part of the family. I wish I could have one, but for now I must be happy with my cat (which I am- cats just aren’t the same as dogs though).

    Have fun with a-z.

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