Tag Archive | Owen

Spoiled Rotten

It is strange to think that I have not posted anything in about a week since I had been posting almost everyday during the month of April for the A-to-Z Challenge.  Honestly, I needed to take a break even though there were so many things that I could have been writing about!  Though the Challenge was fun it was also somewhat stressful trying to get things written and posted during the proper day, it was like having to submit homework assignments again!

We got up here to WA on about the 26th, got our keys and then headed to my parents house where we spent a couple days.  Before we headed to our new house, we left Gwen with my parents where she got to spend a whole week being spoiled!  She got to go to the beach everyday, sleep in the human bed with my parents, sleep in their room, stick her head into coffee cups, lick plates (I am assuming since Dayzee does it), get a “cookie ball” every night, ride in the truck, and bark at things that went by their big windows.  Undoubtably she got spoiled!

Gwen at the beach with my dad on his morning walk.

Gwen was left with my parents since we figured it would be less stressful for her there and it would also keep her from being underfoot while we unpacked all of our stuff and got the house cleaned up.  By the time we got Gwen back we had most of the house unpacked and cleaned, but not quite all of it.  We did end up buying some new furniture for our living room which we had to haul and get it inside and set up on our own…Gwen was forced to stay in her crate for that whole ordeal.  She did take quite nicely to the new furniture, though.

Gwen has taken a liking to this arm chair. Even has her own blankie on it — just don’t tell her that it is really to keep the new stuff clean, she just thinks it’s to make her feel special.

We received all of our household goods (furniture, clothes, etc.) on the 30th and have been working pretty hard at turning this house into our home.  Andrew even mowed the lawn for the first time yesterday.  It looks so much better too!  The back yard still needs to be done…It’s like a jungle out there!  We are trying to do the dog blanket on the couch thing (again), you know where if there is a blanket then you, the dog, can sit on the couch if not then you, the dog, get thrown off.  Gwen hates this but is being a little more cooperative than she was in Charleston.  It might be because there are so many places to sit now!  She also has her nice big doggie bed by the window which she likes.  She also likes sitting on the back of the chair to look out the window.

Owen’s Cinco de Mayo picture…

This past Saturday Andrew and I went back to the Island to go with my parents to bring Owen, my horse, out here.  We went over early, walked onto the ferry, and my dad picked us up on the other side.  We went to our storage locker, picked some stuff up, stopped by my parents house to see the dogs and then went to start getting Owen ready to travel.  I started off by lunging him (basically letting him run around for a few min) to get some excess energy out.  Then we went for a walk to the mailbox and back to cool off, when we got back he got a good brushing before I was to wrap up his little leggies for the trip in the trailer.  Owen is normally a good boy, nothing fazes him, he rarely acts up.  Not sure what got his knickers in a knot but he was beyond obnoxious!  The lady that has been taking care of him said “he knows something is up!”  That may have been true but I have never known him to act so stupid before I moved him or took him to a show, and especially not when I tried to put him in cross-ties (a way to tie the horse up in the middle of the aisle so you can still move around them).  He threw a fit, wouldn’t stand still, and wouldn’t let me wrap his legs.  It took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to get his leg wraps on because he kept fidgeting and picking up his feet.  He even stepped on Andrew!  Once we got everything packed into the trailer and Owen secured in his spot in the trailer, he was perfectly fine.  Figures,right?

My mom, dad, Dayzee, Gwen, Andrew and I were all packed into the truck on the ferry when my mom decided it was lunch time.  I got my sandwich and ate it while Dayzee drooled all over me, so being the good “sister” that I am, she got to eat my crusts.  My mom handed a sandwich to Andrew, who just so happened to have the Corgi on his lap…Gwen jumped up and latched onto that “ham samich” so quick and held on, refusing to let go!!!  Andrew had to pry her mouth open to rescue his lunch!  He handed it back to my mom until I was done so I could hold the sandwich thief so he could eat in peace!  I wish I could’ve gotten a picture or a video of that because it was priceless!

Gwen and Dayzee sat in the house while my parents helped us for a few hours set up our new house and clean.  At one point I tied Gwen’s leash to Dayzee to keep her from wandering out the door when we were going in and out.  That worked for awhile until Dayzee (she weighs around 90 lbs.) got up and walked away…Gwen had been sitting down and she ended up being slid dragged across the floor on her rear.  Dayzee didn’t care at all of course but poor Gwen looked so confused!  (Not to worry, we rescued her.)

My parents took Gwen home with them for a few more days of spoiling before she was returned to us.  When we did get her back she stunk to high heaven so I took her to PetCo to get a bath.  Now she smells better.  The downside to having legs that are only 6 inches long is that you pick up all those nasty smells on the beach and outside.

On the ferry ride back to the Island, Gwen was zonked out in the front seat with my mom holding her…




Visiting Home – Part 2

I have had a happy visit back home.  It has been extremely busy but also enjoyable.  I got to see my parents, my horse, my dog (Dayzee), friends and family.  I sure am going to miss this house once my parents officially move out.  I know I moved out “officially” during the summer but to me I don’t think it was quite official since I still have furniture set up in my bedroom and stuff tucked away in all the drawers.  Now my room looks like a tornado went through it and deposited some boxes here and there and dumped everything else on every other available surface.  It will all be over with (for me at least) tonight [Saturday] when I pack my bags and go to sleep in my bedroom one last time in this house.  It is a sad thought to say the least.  I really like this house.

*    *    *    *   *

Next week is my birthday but since I will not be here for it, we celebrated it a week early!  We had a nice dinner [on Thursday] with my grandparents of ham, homemade apple sauce (sans cinnamon — apparently this is a big deal?), cheesy hashbrowns, and cupcakes!  That was the best cupcake I have had in a long time!  It was the perfect size (big) with not too much or not too little frosting.  I had a good time and I showed my grandparents tons of pictures of Gwen!

I got to pick out my presents Thursday too.  We went to Coastal (huge farm & ranch store) where I got to pick out a new blanket for my horse (he was needing one…) and then we headed over to Petsmart to get some new decorations for my fish tank.  My tank is 40 gallons and I have 3 catfish (and a bunch of little schooling fish too).  A Plecostomus (Brutus), a Golden Chinese Algae Eater (Mushu), and a Striped Raphael Catfish (Ralph).  These 3 fish have gotten huge and they all share the same castle since the other hiding spots are kind of small for them now.  So I got a new hiding rock for them!  I had intended on taking a before picture but forgot so there is only an after shot…it looks like I went crazy with plants now, I think….

“Does this blanket make my butt look fat?”

The NEW blanket! Such masculine colors!

Looks like I went a little crazy with the plants.

I got to hang out with a couple of my best friends while I was back home.  One has been my best friend since 4th grade and the other is my god-sister!  (My parents are her godparents.)  It was great catching up with these two.  🙂  One thing I miss about home is that I don’t have any real friends in SC.

Today (Saturday), I did my good-bye rounds.  I find those are always very difficult.  I hate saying good-bye and I hate having to do it on a time schedule.  I started with Owen and the people taking care of him.  Next I went and saw a family friend who has been sick lately and gave his horses treats.  He and his wife have been like family to me and have done so much for me with the horses.  (They offered me one of their horses to ride and show when my own injured himself in my last year of 4-H.)  And last but not least I went and had dinner with my grandparents.  I hate saying good-bye but I know that I have to go back.  SC is my home (for now at least) and I must return to it, my dog, and my husband.

Good-bye bedroom.  Good-bye large yard, awesome view, and quiet neighborhood.  Good-bye Kitties buried in the yard. Good-bye house.  I will miss you.  You will always be the house I grew up in.

**Yes, I know the days of the week.  I just did not get around to getting this posted until quite late.  Shame on me, I know.